Interestingly for me I am really enjoying this time of year (and I hope you are too), with the nights drawing in and wrapping up warm to head outside for a wander along the river! This got me to thinking, as I am not always such a fan, so what has changed this year? And do you know what, I think it is possibly me embracing the ability to do absolutely nothing!

I have been reading/listening to various articles, podcasts and books which all talk about just this. We tend to fill up most of our spare minutes with checking our phone, watching the tv or speaking to friends/family, almost scared to allow ourselves that time to do nothing. This means our brain never gets any downtime and can be very stressful on our bodies overall. So my suggestion in this crazy lead up to Christmas is to just take a couple of minutes out every so often during your day and just stare into space.
If you commute on a train or drive to work just take that time to be quiet and reflective, don’t feel like you need to fill that time. If you work from home just take some time to look out of your window and notice the air of calm you can create by just doing nothing for a short time. Remember to breathe slowly as this can quieten down that part of your brain that will be nagging you to get back and doing something!
It would great to hear how you get on and if this changes anything for you so get in touch or head over to my Facebook Page or follow me on Twitter.
Health & happiness